Code Documentation

IO module[source]

Create redshift grids from parameters in file., firstLine, lastLine, prefix='', ftype='catalog', getXY=True, CV=False)[source]

Returns an iterator to parse an input catalog file. Returns the fluxes, redshifts, etc, and also GP inputs if getXY=True., verbose=True, catFilesNeeded=True)[source]

Parser for configuration inputtype parameter files, see examples for details. A bunch of them ar parsed.[source]

Read band/filter information, in particular the Gaussian Mixture coefs., prefix='training_', refFlux=True)[source]
Read column/band information needed for parsing catalog file,
in particular the column positions.[source]

Read SED parameters.

Photo-z GP module

Photo-z kernels module

Utils module

delight.utils.CIlevel(redshiftGrid, PDF, fraction, numlevels=200)[source]

Computes confidence interval from PDF.

class delight.utils.approx_DL[source]

Approximate luminosity_distance relation, agrees with astropy.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ob0=None) better than 1%

delight.utils.approx_flux_likelihood(f_obs, f_obs_var, f_mod, ell_hat=0, ell_var=0, f_mod_covar=None, marginalizeEll=True, normalized=False, renormalize=True, returnChi2=False, returnEllML=False)[source]

Approximate flux likelihood, with scaling of both the mean and variance. This approximates the true likelihood with an iterative scheme.

delight.utils.computeMetrics(ztrue, redshiftGrid, PDF, confIntervals)[source]

Compute various metrics on the PDF

delight.utils.dirichlet(alphas, rsize=1)[source]

Draw samples from a Dirichlet distribution.

delight.utils.kldiv(p, q)[source]

Kullback-Leibler divergence D(P || Q) for discrete distributions

delight.utils.random_X_bzl(size, numBands=5, redshiftMax=3.0)[source]

Create random (but reasonable) input space for photo-z GP

delight.utils.random_filtercoefs(numBands, numCoefs)[source]

Create random (but reasonable) coefficients describing numBands photometric filters as sum of gaussians


Create random (but reasonable) hyperparameters for photo-z GP


Create random (but reasonable) coefficients describing lines in SEDs


Symmmetrize matrix