Source code for delight.utils

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import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import derivative

[docs]class approx_DL(): """ Approximate luminosity_distance relation, agrees with astropy.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ob0=None) better than 1% """ def __call__(self, z): return np.exp(30.5 * z**0.04 - 21.7) def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs]def symmetrize(a): """ Symmmetrize matrix """ return a + a.T - np.diag(a.diagonal())
[docs]def random_X_bzl(size, numBands=5, redshiftMax=3.0): """Create random (but reasonable) input space for photo-z GP """ X = np.zeros((size, 3)) X[:, 0] = np.random.randint(low=0, high=numBands-1, size=size) X[:, 1] = np.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=redshiftMax, size=size) X[:, 2] = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=10.0, size=size) return X
[docs]def random_filtercoefs(numBands, numCoefs): """Create random (but reasonable) coefficients describing numBands photometric filters as sum of gaussians""" fcoefs_amp\ = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1., size=numBands*numCoefs)\ .reshape((numBands, numCoefs)) fcoefs_mu\ = np.random.uniform(low=3e3, high=1e4, size=numBands*numCoefs)\ .reshape((numBands, numCoefs)) fcoefs_sig\ = np.random.uniform(low=30, high=500, size=numBands*numCoefs)\ .reshape((numBands, numCoefs)) return fcoefs_amp, fcoefs_mu, fcoefs_sig
[docs]def random_linecoefs(numLines): """Create random (but reasonable) coefficients describing lines in SEDs""" lines_mu = np.random.uniform(low=1e3, high=1e4, size=numLines) lines_sig = np.random.uniform(low=5, high=50, size=numLines) return lines_mu, lines_sig
[docs]def random_hyperparams(): """Create random (but reasonable) hyperparameters for photo-z GP""" alpha_T, var_C, var_L = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=2.0, size=3) alpha_C, alpha_L = np.random.uniform(low=10.0, high=1000.0, size=2) return var_C, var_L, alpha_C, alpha_L, alpha_T
def flux_likelihood(f_obs, f_obs_var, f_mod, f_mod_var=None): nz, nt, nf = f_mod.shape df = f_mod - f_obs[None, :] # nz, nf if f_mod_var is None: sigma = f_obs_var[None, None, :] else: sigma = f_mod_var + f_obs_var[None, None, :] den = np.sqrt((2*np.pi)**nf *, axis=2)) return np.exp(-0.5*np.sum(df**2/sigma, axis=2)) / den def scalefree_flux_likelihood_multiobj( f_obs, # no, ..., nf f_obs_var, # no, ..., nf f_mod, # ..., nf normalized=True): assert len(f_obs.shape) == len(f_mod.shape) assert len(f_obs_var.shape) == len(f_mod.shape) assert len(f_mod.shape) >= 2 nf = f_mod.shape[-1] assert f_obs.shape[-1] == nf assert f_obs_var.shape[-1] == nf # nz * nt * nf invvar = np.where(f_obs/f_obs_var < 1e-6, 0.0, f_obs_var**-1.0) FOT = np.sum(f_mod * f_obs * invvar, axis=-1) # no * nt FTT = np.sum(f_mod**2 * invvar, axis=-1) # no * nt FOO = np.sum(f_obs**2 * invvar, axis=-1) # no * nt sigma_det =, axis=-1) chi2 = FOO - FOT**2.0 / FTT # no * nt denom = np.sqrt(FTT) ellML = FOT / FTT if normalized: denom *= np.sqrt(sigma_det * (2*np.pi)**nf) like = np.exp(-0.5*chi2) / denom # no * nt return like, ellML
[docs]def dirichlet(alphas, rsize=1): """ Draw samples from a Dirichlet distribution. """ gammabs = np.array([np.random.gamma(alpha, size=rsize) for alpha in alphas]) fbs = gammabs / gammabs.sum(axis=0) return fbs.T
[docs]def approx_flux_likelihood( f_obs, # nf f_obs_var, # nf f_mod, # nz, nt, nf ell_hat=0, # 1 or nz, nt ell_var=0, # 1 or nz, nt f_mod_covar=None, # nz, nt, nf (, nf) marginalizeEll=True, normalized=False, renormalize=True, returnChi2=False, returnEllML=False): """ Approximate flux likelihood, with scaling of both the mean and variance. This approximates the true likelihood with an iterative scheme. """ assert len(f_obs.shape) == 1 assert len(f_obs_var.shape) == 1 assert len(f_mod.shape) == 3 nz, nt, nf = f_mod.shape if f_mod_covar is not None: assert len(f_mod_covar.shape) == 3 if f_mod_covar is None or len(f_mod_covar.shape) == 3: f_obs_r = f_obs[None, None, :] ellML = 0 niter = 1 if f_mod_covar is None else 2 for i in range(niter): if f_mod_covar is not None: var = f_obs_var[None, None, :] + ellML**2 * f_mod_covar else: var = f_obs_var[None, None, :] invvar = 1/var # nz * nt * nf # np.where(f_obs_r/var < 1e-6, 0.0, var**-1.0) # nz * nt * nf FOT = np.sum(f_mod * f_obs_r * invvar, axis=2) FTT = np.sum(f_mod**2 * invvar, axis=2) FOO = np.sum(f_obs_r**2 * invvar, axis=2) if np.all(ell_var > 0): FOT += ell_hat / ell_var # nz * nt FTT += 1. / ell_var # nz * nt FOO += ell_hat**2 / ell_var # nz * nt log_sigma_det = np.sum(np.log(var), axis=2) ellbk = 1*ellML ellML = (FOT / FTT)[:, :, None] if returnEllML: return ellML chi2 = FOO - FOT**2.0 / FTT # nz * nt if returnChi2: return chi2 logDenom = 0. if normalized: logDenom = logDenom + log_sigma_det + nf * np.log(2*np.pi) if np.all(ell_var > 0): logDenom = logDenom + np.log(2*np.pi * ell_var) if marginalizeEll: logDenom = logDenom + np.log(FTT) if np.all(ell_var > 0): logDenom = logDenom - np.log(2*np.pi) like = -0.5*chi2 - 0.5*logDenom # nz * nt if renormalize: like -= like.max() return np.exp(like) # nz * nt
def scalefree_flux_likelihood(f_obs, f_obs_var, f_mod, returnChi2=False): nz, nt, nf = f_mod.shape var = f_obs_var # nz * nt * nf invvar = np.where(f_obs/var < 1e-6, 0.0, var**-1.0) # nz * nt * nf FOT = np.sum(f_mod * f_obs * invvar, axis=2) # nz * nt FTT = np.sum(f_mod**2 * invvar, axis=2) # nz * nt FOO =, f_obs**2) # nz * nt ellML = FOT / FTT chi2 = FOO - FOT**2.0 / FTT # nz * nt like = np.exp(-0.5*chi2) / np.sqrt(FTT) # nz * nt if returnChi2: return chi2 + FTT, ellML else: return like, ellML
[docs]def CIlevel(redshiftGrid, PDF, fraction, numlevels=200): """ Computes confidence interval from PDF. """ evidence = np.trapz(PDF, redshiftGrid) for level in np.linspace(0, PDF.max(), num=numlevels): ind = np.where(PDF <= level) resint = np.trapz(PDF[ind], redshiftGrid[ind]) if resint >= fraction*evidence: return level
[docs]def kldiv(p, q): """Kullback-Leibler divergence D(P || Q) for discrete distributions""" return np.sum(np.where(p != 0, p * np.log(p / q), 0))
[docs]def computeMetrics(ztrue, redshiftGrid, PDF, confIntervals): """ Compute various metrics on the PDF """ zmean = np.average(redshiftGrid, weights=PDF) zmap = redshiftGrid[np.argmax(PDF)] zstdzmean = np.sqrt(np.average((redshiftGrid-zmean)**2, weights=PDF)) zstdzmap = np.sqrt(np.average((redshiftGrid-zmap)**2, weights=PDF)) pdfAtZ = np.interp(ztrue, redshiftGrid, PDF) cumPdfAtZ = np.interp(ztrue, redshiftGrid, PDF.cumsum()) confidencelevels = [ CIlevel(redshiftGrid, PDF, 1.0 - confI) for confI in confIntervals ] return [ztrue, zmean, zstdzmean, zmap, zstdzmap, pdfAtZ, cumPdfAtZ]\ + confidencelevels
def derivative_test(x0, fun, fun_grad, relative_accuracy, n=1, lim=0, order=9, dxfac=0.01, verbose=False, superverbose=False): grads = fun_grad(x0) for i in range(x0.size): if verbose: print(i, end=" ") def f(v): x = 1*x0 x[i] = v return fun(x) grads2 = derivative(f, x0[i], dx=dxfac*x0[i], order=order, n=n) if superverbose: print(i, 'analytical:', grads[i], 'numerical:', grads2) if np.abs(grads2) >= lim: np.testing.assert_allclose(grads2, grads[i], rtol=relative_accuracy)